Eero Stuck on Registering: Unblocking Progress 2024

Eero routers are known for providing easy and dependable home network solutions, however experiencing a situation where the device is stuck registering can be annoying. In this troubleshooting article, we’ll look at frequent causes of the Eero stuck on registration problem and present step-by-step solutions to help you overcome this obstacle and enjoy uninterrupted connectivity.

Connecting multiple Eero devices or beacons expands the service area. You can connect all of your devices to a single wireless network by assigning a single SSID.

Using the Eero device has the advantage of a quick and straightforward setup. During the setup process, you must create an account and establish all essential connections.

This post is for you if you are working on an Eero setup and your Eero is stopped at registration.

This post will explain why your Eero setup stops during registration, as well as how to rapidly identify and address the setup problem.

Understanding Eero’s registration issues

When your Eero device becomes stuck during the registration process, it may indicate issues with network configuration, device setup, or connectivity. Identifying the particular problem is critical for successful troubleshooting.

When Eero becomes stuck when registering, it indicates that the device is unable to complete the setup procedure and connect to your network.

This can occur for a variety of reasons, including network difficulties, firmware faults, or hardware malfunctions. Understanding these elements will allow us to efficiently navigate the troubleshooting processes.

Why Is My Eero Setup Locked During Registration?

Your Eero may be unable to register due to a variety of reasons. For example, there may be an issue with the Eero app or with the internet connection. The following is a breakdown of potential problems, whatever they are:

Internet Connection Error: It is suggested that your device have a data connection during the first setup process. This is due to the chance of temporarily losing Wi-Fi access during the setup process.

Problems with the Eero App: The Eero app itself can cause problems. The software may have a minor fault, or you may be using an outdated version that requires updating.

Minimal Device Bugs: Your device’s bugs may interfere with the setup process. For example, if you haven’t updated the firmware on your device in a while, the setup process may be affected.

Off Bluetooth: It’s also conceivable that your device’s Bluetooth settings are hidden or disabled. To connect your Eero to your account, your device must have Bluetooth enabled.

How much time should Eero take to register?

The Eero signup process takes 3 to 5 minutes. However, the modem usually affects how long it takes. If the registration process takes more than 15 minutes, there is likely a problem.

Troubleshooting Eero Stuck

To fix the issue of Eero getting stuck registering, follow these steps:

Power Cycle

  • Unplug all Eero devices from their power sources.
  • Wait a minute for them to completely power down.
  • Plug the devices back in and wait for them to restart.
  • Check to see if the registration procedure resumes properly.

Check the internet connection

  • Check that your modem is connected to the internet and working properly.
  • Ensure that your Eero is correctly linked to the modem via Ethernet or the designated setup process.
  • Check your internet connection on several devices to rule out any connectivity issues.

Reset Eero

  • Do a factory reset on your Eero devices. Typically, this is accomplished by holding down the reset button for around 10 seconds.
  • Follow Eero’s instructions to reset the devices.
  • After the reset, try to register them again.

Update the Eero Firmware

  • Check for available firmware upgrades for your Eero devices.
  • Open the Eero mobile app and go to the settings area to check for updates.
  • If there is an update available, follow the installation instructions.
  • Retry the registration process after the firmware update.

Contact Eero Support

  • If none of the above methods address the problem, contact Eero’s customer service.
  • Provide them with essential information regarding your setup, procedures completed, and any error messages received.
  • Eero’s support team will walk you through additional troubleshooting steps or explore possible replacement options.

Eero’s  additional tips:

  • Make sure your eero is centrally located in your home, away from walls and other obstructions.
  • If you’re having difficulties using the eero app, try closing and reopening it.
  • You can also try updating the Eero firmware to the most recent version.


Troubleshooting an Eero that won’t register necessitates a methodical approach, which includes everything from power cycling to checking device configuration and connectivity. By following the procedures provided in this tutorial, users may successfully address frequent causes of Eero registration issues and guarantee their Eero device is ready to provide dependable and smooth home network connectivity. If problems persist, contact Eero support to receive personalised assistance for a hassle-free networking experience.

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