Why is My Furbo video Pink – Troubleshooting Guide

A hardware malfunction, improper lighting, or camera calibration are some of the possible causes of a pink Furbo video. The following troubleshooting procedures will assist you in resolving the pink video issue:

There are various reasons why your Furbo camera may be showing pink footage, but don’t worry there are fixes! Here are a few options. 

Calibration of Furbo Camera

  • Verify that there are no impurities or dirt particles on the camera lens. Using a soft, dry cloth, carefully wipe the lens to get rid of any smudges or dirt.
  • Make sure the camera is calibrated correctly. You can adjust the camera’s calibration through the Furbo app’s settings.

Furbo Lighting Requirements

  • Unusual lighting circumstances, such as fluorescent or LED illumination, can occasionally result in a pink tinge in videos. See if changing the room’s illumination impacts the video’s color.
  • When compared to artificial lighting sources, natural sunlight or incandescent lighting may provide more accurate colors.

Furbo Link to a network

  • Variations in bandwidth or network connectivity can occasionally impact color accuracy and video quality. Make sure you have a dependable, fast internet connection for your Furbo.
  • To see whether the problem still exists, try restarting your Furbo and router to restore the network connection.

Furbo Night Vision

  • Activated: If night vision is enabled, this is most likely the cause. Furbo uses infrared LEDs, which give out a reddish-pink color to the human eye, for its night vision. This kind of behavior is expected and typical. Verify this by looking at the LED adjacent to the lens; it ought to be pink or red.
  • Problem: If the pink tint is still present in well-lit areas, there may be a problem with the night vision sensor.
Why is My Furbo video Pink

Settings for the Furbo Camera

Color Night Vision: Depending on the illumination, if you’re utilizing the “Colour Night Vision” option, the image may appear reddish. Consider changing to ordinary night vision or increasing the brightness.

Furbo Technical Problems

Network: Distorted video, including color problems, can occasionally be caused by a shaky or inconsistent Wi-Fi connection. Verify the strength and speed of your internet signal.
App: From time to time, there may be issues with the Furbo app itself. Try restarting the program after shutting it down, or think about updating to the most recent version.
Hardware: The camera itself may occasionally have a hardware problem.

Furbo Steps for Troubleshooting

To correct the pink video, try the following

  • Verify the settings for night vision: Make sure it is only turned on when necessary, and try adjusting the “Colour Night Vision” to see if it changes the tint.
  • Device restarts: Switch the Furbo camera, phone, and tablet that are utilizing the app on and off.
  • Make sure your Wi-Fi is robust by connecting your Furbo to a reliable network with a strong signal.
  • Update the app: Get the most recent Furbo version.
  • Get in touch with Furbo Support: For additional help, get in touch with Furbo customer care if the issue continues. They can provide answers and assist in diagnosing the problem.

Update the Firmware

Verify whether your Furbo has any firmware upgrades available. The pink video could be the result of software-related problems that can be fixed by updating to the most recent firmware version.

Furbo Hardware Problem

If none of the aforementioned fixes work, your Furbo camera might be experiencing a hardware issue. For further information and potential choices for repair or replacement, get in touch with Furbo customer care.

Hopefully, these troubleshooting techniques will help you locate and fix the Furbo camera’s pink video issue. It is advised to get in touch with Furbo customer service for individualized help if the issue continues.


In conclusion, several reasons, such as camera calibration, lighting, firmware updates, network problems, or even hardware issues, could cause the pink tint in your Furbo video. You can easily address and resolve the pink video issue, ensuring clear and accurate video streaming for easy pet monitoring, by following troubleshooting steps like cleaning the lens, adjusting lighting, making sure you have a stable network connection, updating firmware, and contacting Furbo support if needed.

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